Saturday, February 21, 2009

a weekend at home...

I got in from Fayetteville about mid-afternoon on Friday. It didn't take me long to get into my pajamas and stretch out on the sofa to catch up on some shows that I had Tivo-ed from last week. I really think that my sweet husband was happy to have me home (even if just for a long weekend) and my baby Sophie DID seem to remember who I was.

I will go back to Stacey and Roger's on Monday to help out for a few more days. Stacey has a couple of doctor appointments this week, and of course, the kids' schedule goes on. Lydia is finishing her biography report on Annie Oakley -- a really big deal for second grade. It's one of those things that requires lots of time and effort by the child (and their parents, or even a cousin!)to get it done, complete with costume, etc. I vaguely remember those days from my own boys...I really think I have blocked most of that kind of stuff. LOL!

I have started taking the wallpaper off of the kitchen (remember that I have had some help from Sophie) so painting the kitchen will be one of my projects when I do get home. That, and I must get to work on getting our tax information to our accountant. YUK!

Spring is just around the corner -- I just know it! My jonquils are blooming their little brains out and I am anxious for some warmer weather. It won't be too long until the Retirement Beach Party and I can't wait.


elyag7 said...

Let me know when Sophie is through in the kitchen, I'll try to get down to help you paint.