These pictures are out of order, but this is the snowfall on Friday!
Deacon shooting some hoops in his playroom
friends at the birthday party
Patrick and Deacon at the party
Churro, anyone?
Proud Parents with Deacon before the party
mimi, can we please climb these stairs?
Deacon and Mimi in the fun tent!
Jim and I traveled to Ohio last Wednesday evening to spend a few days with the kids and to celebrate Deacon's birthday. We were there for his first birthday party he actually turned one today, January 12) and we had the most wonderful visit. Deacon is SUCH a sweet boy -- always happy, great eater, and easy sleeper. Spoken like a true grandmother, huh? Well, it's true -- he is an absolute delight to be around. Patrick and Amy have done an amazing job of parenting -- kuddos to ya'll!
Jim and I got to keep him at home on Thursday and we thoroughly enjoyed the day. Patrick had some appointments and we were perfectly content to play with Deacon at home all day. We went out for burgers at the Red Robin and Deacon ate chicken strips like a champ. He has eight teeth now!
On Friday, we got to keep Deacon at home again, and we watched it snow all day. About seven inches! It was really beautiful falling out of the sky and on the trees. Walker loves to go outside and run around in it but he wants it brushed off of him when he comes in. He is such a funny dog!
Saturday was the day of the big birthday party. Keep in mind there was 7 inches of snow on the ground. That would cancel any birthday party here at home, but it was well attended by friends and neighbor families. It was great to meet the kids friends and get to visit with everyone. Deacon had a big time with his cake -- check out their blog for lots of pictures of the party. He was exhausted by the time we got home and I did not think he could possibly finish a bottle, but he drained it! Then, I thought he would surely wake with a tummy ache, but he slept like a trooper all night long. Did I mention that he is an angel :-)
The kids cooked breakfast Sunday morning, then it was time to get everything packed up and ready to head home. We had a wonderful time and will be anxious to see all of them again...
The Throwaways (2015)
10 years ago
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